


Form Four graduation in our school is conducted every year,one month before they sit for Nationa Examination. This help students to get enough time to prepare for the examinations.Parents or relative are not allowed to bring any food,bits or drinks in school and should dress and shave properly in good manner otherwise he/she will not allowed to attend the graduation.School will provides food and drinks to students and their parents. All guest will be investigated at main gate by gurd before they enter in the school compound.

Parent Meeting

In our school parent meeting normally is conducted every year on August. In this day parents can get chance to talk with his/her child after the meeting because there is no visiting day at our school. Parents or relative are not allowed to bring any food, bits or drinks in school and should dress and shave properly in good manner otherwise he/she will not allowed to attend the meeting or talk to his/her child.


Any person who arrive at school for service should dress and shave properly. Also should observe instruction from the watch man or watch women otherwise will not allowed to enter school to get service.